Waiting on Wednesday #5

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme created by Breaking The Spine . --- Never Always Sometimes Author: Adi Alsaid Pages: 352 ...

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme created by Breaking The Spine.


Never Always Sometimes

Author: Adi Alsaid
Pages: 352
Publishing by: Harlequin Teen
Publishing on:  August 4th 2015
Dave and Julia are best friends. On the brink of high school, they made a list of cliches they would never do. Now in their senior year, Dave and Julia decide to try every Never on the list. As they break out of their comfort zone and have many adventures- both together and apart- they learn a lot more about who they are and what their true feelings are for one another.


Why I am excited about this book being published...

I read Adi's debut, Let's Get Lost, and really enjoyed it. Then, Adi had announced that he was going to be releasing a new book! The plot of this book is really interesting and I am super excited to finally get to it! I actually have an ARC of it for the Never Always Sometimes ARC tour and am really excited to hurry up and get to it! It's about high school cliches so that is sometimes that is going to be very new for me.

So tell me: Have you heard of Adi Alsaid or Let's Get Lost?

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