The Blogger Positivity Campaign: A Letter to Jessica Burkhart!

Hey everyone and welcome to the second post of a super exciting project that I am apart of started by the lovely Jillian over at Jillian...

Hey everyone and welcome to the second post of a super exciting project that I am apart of started by the lovely Jillian over at Jillian's Books, the Blogger Positivity Campaign! Last week, I answered some questions about myself and blogging. This project is to help spread blogger positivity and get to know more people! This week, I am writing a letter a person or book that inspired me to read! Based on the title, you can probably tell that I am writing an author who wrote this super long series of books about a group of girls in a boarding school and they are equestrians. I read this series when I was in 4th and 5th grade and a little going into sixth and it was such an addicting series. I could finish one book on an afternoon and just love it. The series is over, I haven't read the last book but I know that if I ever got a chance I definitely would. Now, letter!


Dear Jessica Burkhart

Dear Jessica Burkhart

First of all, thank you so much for writing such an addicting series. I loved all the books you wrote, especially the books in Sasha's perspective. I enjoyed all the drama, and secrets that all went down but also the friendship aspects. How not everyone will be your best friend forever and how you can be friends with people that you don't exactly agree with, you just have to try. 

I remember one summer, I was basically on a Canterwood Crest binge and my summer reading log was all Canterwood Crest, Canterwood Crest, Canterwood Crest, because damn I really enjoyed it. It was just so fun to read about the girls because they were also equestrians and the only experience I had with riding horses was those places that had horses just so people could ride them for a couple dollars per ride. In my opinion, it was awesome to read about characters who jumped and did all this cool horse stuff because I had always seen horse riding to be sooo fun.

And if it wasn't for the romance as well! I mean, everything was honestly such fluffy romance at times and I loved how Jessica didn't write fully fluffy romance, there was definitely some hurdles between the characters and that all just caused for boyfriend drama WHICH would then be stacked upon friend drama AND THEN be stacked upon the stress of school. I mean at some points I would feel so bad for the characters because they had tough times.

Jessica Burkhart and her writing has definitely affected and inspired my love for reading and I really thank Jess and her books for that.

Check out the other people doing this campaign!

So tell me: What is someone/something that inspired your love for books?

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