Thoughts on Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, Melodrama, and Ultralife
This summer was the summer of album drops. Three artists I loved, all released their albums this summer and duh, I have to talk about them! So, today I am here with my thoughts on the newest albums from Halsey, Lorde, and Oh Wonder. I hope you enjoy this post! I don't talk about music here much so bare with me, I am just getting the hang of it. ;)
Hopeless Fountain Kingdom
Hopeless Fountain Kingdom Faves: Now or Never, 100 Letters, Strangers
I have been a fan of Halsey every since Room 93 so I've been listening to her music for about 2 years now. I love her lyrics and her voice is very distinct, a tone that kind of reminds me of Ellie Goulding. Anyway, I was so excited for new Halsey music. I loved Room 93 and I really liked Badlands so I was really looking forward to this. The two singles she released before the album were slaps so I was very optimistic. The night she released this album, I saw pretty mixed reactions on Hopeless Fountain Kingdom so I was a little skeptical when I gave this album a listen. Regardless, I went in with an open mind.
This album is definitely a little different from the other ones. I don't hate it though. I have to admit, I like it a little less than I expected. The musical styles of some of these songs are just a so different compared to what Halsey has released before. Not a bad thing but it just isn't really my taste. With Badlands and Room 93, I loved most of the songs off those two albums. It just really isn't the same with this one.
Melodrama Faves: The Lourve, Hard Feelings/Loveless, Supercut
Ultralife Faves: My Friends, Waste, Bigger than Love
The thing I loved most about the first Oh Wonder album was the vibes all their songs sent off. Their self-titled is my 2am album, it's the rainy productive day album. It's one of my favorite albums so I was so excited to hear about new Oh Wonder music. Ultralife is definitely a step away from Oh Wonder and it doesn't have the same vibes as Oh Wonder, the same vibes I loved so much.
I guess I expected a little much if I thought that the two albums were going to be sounding the same but I don't know, I loved Oh Wonder so much I had really hoped Ultralife was going to be something similar to it. It's not, and that's fine. It's still a great album regardless of the fact that it lacks the rainy day vibes Oh Wonder had. I can definitely hear a bit of those vibes in some of their songs but I can also hear the songs having more and more pop aspects. To put it this way: The songs make me want to dance more than they want me to cuddle in my sheets on a rainy morning.