Thoughts on Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, Melodrama, and Ultralife - Next Page Please!

Thoughts on Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, Melodrama, and Ultralife

This summer was the summer of album drops. Three artists I loved, all released their albums this summer and duh, I have to talk about the...

This summer was the summer of album drops. Three artists I loved, all released their albums this summer and duh, I have to talk about them! So, today I am here with my thoughts on the newest albums from Halsey, Lorde, and Oh Wonder. I hope you enjoy this post! I don't talk about music here much so bare with me, I am just getting the hang of it. ;)

Hopeless Fountain Kingdom

Hopeless Fountain Kingdom Faves: Now or Never, 100 Letters, Strangers

I have been a fan of Halsey every since Room 93 so I've been listening to her music for about 2 years now. I love her lyrics and her voice is very distinct, a tone that kind of reminds me of Ellie Goulding. Anyway, I was so excited for new Halsey music. I loved Room 93 and I really liked Badlands so I was really looking forward to this. The two singles she released before the album were slaps so I was very optimistic. The night she released this album, I saw pretty mixed reactions on Hopeless Fountain Kingdom so I was a little skeptical when I gave this album a listen. Regardless, I went in with an open mind.

This album is definitely a little different from the other ones. I don't hate it though. I have to admit, I like it a little less than I expected. The musical styles of some of these songs are just a so different compared to what Halsey has released before. Not a bad thing but it just isn't really my taste. With Badlands and Room 93, I loved most of the songs off those two albums. It just really isn't the same with this one.


Melodrama Faves: The Lourve, Hard Feelings/Loveless, Supercut

Lorde hasn't released a new album since Pure Heroine, which was, holy crap, 4 years ago. I loved Pure Heroine. Sure, Royals may have been super overplayed on the radios for a whole three months straight but I still jam out to all the other songs on her debut. So, I was so excited to hear about her new album. When she dropped Green Light, loved it. Liability? Loved it. Perfect Places, loved that one too. Melodrama is just as great as Pure Heroine and it's nice to see that she still has her touch despite the 4 year gap between her two albums. Lorde has always been great with lyrics and I definitely saw more of that in Melodrama. There isn't a song off this album that I don't like and I am just so excited for Lorde. Hope there won't be another 4 year wait for her next album lmao.


Ultralife Faves: My Friends, Waste, Bigger than Love

The thing I loved most about the first Oh Wonder album was the vibes all their songs sent off. Their self-titled is my 2am album, it's the rainy productive day album. It's one of my favorite albums so I was so excited to hear about new Oh Wonder music. Ultralife is definitely a step away from Oh Wonder and it doesn't have the same vibes as Oh Wonder, the same vibes I loved so much.

I guess I expected a little much if I thought that the two albums were going to be sounding the same but I don't know, I loved Oh Wonder so much I had really hoped Ultralife was going to be something similar to it. It's not, and that's fine. It's still a great album regardless of the fact that it lacks the rainy day vibes Oh Wonder had. I can definitely hear a bit of those vibes in some of their songs but I can also hear the songs having more and more pop aspects. To put it this way: The songs make me want to dance more than they want me to cuddle in my sheets on a rainy morning.

Have you listened to any of these three albums? What did you think of them?

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