A Recap of August - Next Page Please!

A Recap of August

Hellooooooo! Wow, it is now September, I never thought this time would come. August felt unbelievable long oh my lord I don't know ho...

Hellooooooo! Wow, it is now September, I never thought this time would come. August felt unbelievable long oh my lord I don't know how to feel now that it's over. Hopefully September will go by faster because I cannot wait until the weather gets cooler and it will be *winter!* (Again, finally.) I hope you enjoy this recap :)

I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Maureen Goo
Obsidian and Stars by Julie Eshbaugh
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

I can't say that it was a bad reading month, but I think I could have done better. I started watching dramas again so a lot of my time was put into that haha. Anyway, I read this month though and enjoyed all the books I read! So I am very contempt there. After 3 years, I finally finished the Infernal Devices trilogy, and yes I cried. I also was able to finish Obsidian and Stars, a book that I started awhile ago but never ended up finished. 

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

This month was alright when it came to blog posts. I started the month off by recapping July, which was a pretty interesting month for me! And I also shared my August playlist, which I hope you guys enjoyed. I also finished off my China recaps with a recap of all the fabulous food I had and the polaroids I took while on my trip! I wrote a review on one of the books I read this month, I Believe in a Thing Called Love. This was a pretty good book! And finally, I talked about my thoughts on the new music from Halsey, Lorde, and Oh Wonder. And that was August.

Love Me if You Dare
Pretty Li Hui Zhen

I binged watched these shows real fast before school started to get stressful. Love Me if You Dare was a really good drama, super short as well so I was able to watch it all in a weekend. Pretty li Hui Zhen I started the same day I finished Love Me if You Dare (ahahah) and was my "this is how you self-control" drama, as school had already started then. I finished that drama in a weekish, which is pretty good since I told myself I wasn't going to binge watch it all in three days. Both dramas were super good so I am content and satisfied.

School is back.
This is the only life thing going on in my life because school is already eating up all my time. My math class is killing me, I already have a presentation due next week, and I am already exhausted. I always knew school was going to kill me but I didn't think it would be in high school. I'm also participating in sports this fall so that's going to be another thing on my plate. I play an outdoor sport, which is nice until the weather becomes well over a hundred so I am really looking forward to that as well. Basically, school is killing me, my life is a mess, but I will survive.

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