Harry Potter Moment of the Week: Best DADA (Defense of Dark Arts) Teacher

This is a meme I started and thought I’d (with a lot of help from Ula @Blog of Erised) that I’d make a schedule of the posts to come if an...

This is a meme I started and thought I’d (with a lot of help from Ula @Blog of Erised) that I’d make a schedule of the posts to come if anyone wants to join in :). The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object, quote etc. from the books/ films/ J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! Each topic will be posted on this page for the week. There will also be free week where everyone can decide whatever topic they want! Hope you enjoy!


Favorite DADA Teacher?

Okay so here is a little refresher on the different DADA teachers throughout the years:
Year one: Quirrel
Year two: Lockhart
Year three: Lupin
Year four: Mad Eye (Barty Crouch Jr)
Year five: Umbridge (Umbitch)
Year six: Snape (Hah finally!)

Based on the list above I hope you can tell who I'm about to choose. Okay take a guess now. Who would Kaitlin like the most out of the list above? If you guessed Lupin you are correct! This guy is obviously a very important person in this series and I was so devastated when Tonks and Lupin died and they never got to see Teddy grow up and oh my goodness I always hate talking about the deaths going on in Harry Potter. But I loved Lupin being the DADA teacher because, well he was the only one I liked and the one that didn't be a jerk to Harry. All the other teachers I hated (except for Snape but he was a jerk to Harry) or just were really bad teachers you feel? Now....a gif of Lupin handpicked by Kaitlin!

Also: I found this on the wiki and I'm crying right now!

Tonks: "I don't care either, I don't care! I've told you a million times [...] "
Remus: "And I've told you a million times, that I am too old for you, too poor....too dangerous...."
Molly Weasley: "I've said all along you're taking a ridiculous line on this, Remus."
Remus: "I am not being ridiculous. Tonks deserves somebody young and whole."
Arthur Weasley: "But she wants you. And after all, Remus, young and whole men do not necessarily remain so."

Bye...going to cry because of Harry Potter...

So tell me: Favorite DADA teacher?

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