Look at the Beautiful Cover: Winter by Marissa Meyer

Guys the cover for Winter came out yesterday! I saw it yesterday morning and am here to spurge about it! So here is the cover if you miss...

Guys the cover for Winter came out yesterday! I saw it yesterday morning and am here to spurge about it! So here is the cover if you missed it!
Isn't it wonderful? The main part of this cover, the apple, just looks great. I like how it is glowing and the magic is surrounding. It definitely looks fake though. The stem and the leaf contrast so well with the apple yet still looks magical as well. The hand is a very pretty part of the cover. It is probably the backbone of this cover. Without it there, it's a magical floating apple. The red nail polish looks great with the apple and this hand model has a glorious hand. Fonting, same as the other books so there isn't too many special things with that. Other than that, I think this cover is going to look great on shelves and even better sitting next to the other books! There was also an excerpt of the book released here!

Now I actually am not 100% sure i'm going to read it. If you don't know, I have had a tough time with Marissa's books in the past. 
Cinder: loved it. Just loved it. 
Scarlet: It wasn't as good as Cinder but still really liked it.
Cress: Is it bad I was kind of happy I was able to finish it?

Now Winter is going to be 800 pages and I'm very reluctant on reading this book. I love the plot line and story of this series and it makes me so sad that it took  me about a week just to get Cress done because I thought the book was boring. Maybe, it's because all I want to do is read about Cinder, or because the character perspectives are just too boring for me? Maybe it's Melissa's writing. I don't know and I may never find out. There is a 5% chance Winter is going to work for me. However, I am really hoping to finish this series. 

So tell me: How do you feel about this cover and are you planning to read it?

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