Look at the Beautiful Cover: Six of Crows by: Leigh Bardugo

Before cover reveal: So this is about a minute before the reveal and I am so excited! I really liked the Grisha Trilogy covers so let...

Before cover reveal:
So this is about a minute before the reveal and I am so excited! I really liked the Grisha Trilogy covers so let's see what the designer did this time! :) (BTW the cover reveal was 12 minutes late. Can you imagine my agony)
Here is the cover!

This cover is beautiful! I really like the font on the cover and the different colors the font is in. Let's talk about the background. Not only is the crow wing beautiful but the clouds and buildings barely peeking out is just stunning. I am really excited to see what the spine will look like sitting on my shelf or as an ARC.

So tell me: How do you feel about this cover?

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