The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers

Hey everyone! Today I have a fun tag for you, it's kind of like the Liebster Award. First off, I would like to thank Mary at Books In ...

Hey everyone! Today I have a fun tag for you, it's kind of like the Liebster Award. First off, I would like to thank Mary at Books In Her Head for tagging me! Definitely check her out if you have the chance. Now, onto the questions!


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog in your post.
  • Answer the questions that the blogger who nominated you has provided.
  • Nominate ten other bloggers (or up to 10).
  • Create ten questions for your nominees and notify them of their nominations.

My answers to Mary's questions

Do you prefer blue or black ink?
I know I should have a preference between the two but really, I don't! I just need to make sure it doesn't smudge against my hand when I write with it because I get really annoyed when that happens. 

Do you like to browse at bookstores or order and pick up your books?
I mostly order my books now since it is the easiest way for me but I do miss browsing books. Whether it is in the library or in a bookstore, I leave with way too many books for me to handle. It's a lot worse when it comes to bookstores because, well, I actually have to buy the book!

What backlist title you still want or need to read?
Ohhh this is a hard question. I have so many books that are pretty old I have been wanting to read but I don't know which one to choose. One of the big backlist books I have yet to read has to be the Uglies series. The first book of the series has been out for 10 years now and I have still yet to read it! If I don't get to it this year, it will definitely be read next year.

Have you ever considered writing your own book?
Ohhhh yes. I have a few plots in mind but just haven't gotten the motivation to actually go around and write. Maybe during NaNoWriMo I'll take a spin in writing...

Are you more of a standalone or a series reader?
I'm both! I love series because it's get to know more about the characters, get used to them, and fall in love with the story. I love stand alones because they're quick reads. Sometimes, I do with some stand alones were indeed series. 

Favorite book quote?
Ack! This is so bad because, I'm not a very big quote person. Yeah, I said it. I just don't very much care that much for quotes. I know there are so great ones out there and they make for great graphics but quotes are just eh to me.
(Image Source)
Is there a genre that you turn to the most?
Honestly, I will read any genre other than erotica and historical fiction. Love dystopian, contemporary, fantasy, thriller, JUST EVERYTHING! I read more contemporary than the other genres so I think contemporary is the genre I'm picking for this question. 

Is there a book to movie adaption where you preferred the movie to the book?
Hmmm, I try my best to adaptations of books I didn't enjoy. (I am a big "The book will always be better" kind of reader) There are a few books where I enjoyed the movie better though. One of those would have to be Order of the Phoenix. That book is probably my least favorite Harry Potter book because I thought it was really boring. The movie, was not that bad though.

Are you going to read Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee?  Why/why not?
I don't think I'll be reading it for the next few years. I haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird yet and probably won't for the next few years. Once I do though, Go Set a Watchman will definitely be read after.

Which classic (that you have read) do you think is most applicable today?
Here is the sad thing, I haven't read a lot of classics. If I have, I don't exactly know what they are. Hopefully I can read more classics in the future because, well, they're classics!


My 10 Questions

A book you didn't enjoy but would still recommend for all people to read?
Favorite character that you thought went through a lot of character development?
A cover you would redesign?
Favorite male author?
A book that has been on your TBR for a very good amount of time?
A love triangle you enjoyed reading about?
If you could be any fictional character, who would it be?
A series you have started but have yet to finish.
Do you prefer hardcover or paperback?
When reading a hardcover, do you prefer leaving the dust jacket on or off?


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